Application for a JPNM Travel/Training Grant Application for a JPNM Travel/Training Grant RM_StatsEmail *Enter email again *Applicant *Institution *Type of action *Time frame (date and number of days of the travel) *Place of the travel/training *Cost planTravel costs (flight/train tickets, other) E. g., economy flight, 2nd class train ticket, bus, metro etc. *Accommodation costs ( (room rate of a middle class hotel) , number of nights, total amount for x nights) *Daily allowance (according to the rules of your home institution, total amount for x days) ) *Fee (conference, workshop, training course etc.) *Any other costs (please specify and give explanation) *Total costs of the travel/training *Financing rate by JPNM , Please, fill in the percentage of your budget that you apply for from JPNM both in percents and in EUR. The maximum limit for each grant is 1000 EUR within Europe or 1500 EUR outside Europe. *Please indicate if it is foreseen to have co-fund from other sources for the travel/training *Description of the travel/trainingPlease insert the description of your travel/training (1-3 pages max) * (What, how, when, relation to JPNM activities, whom to reach with the action, what are the benefits etc. Also highlight if the travel/training is part of or combined with another action.) * Note: It looks like JavaScript is disabled in your browser. Some elements of this form may require JavaScript to work properly. If you have trouble submitting the form, try enabling JavaScript momentarily and resubmit. JavaScript settings are usually found in Browser Settings or Browser Developer menu. Copyright © 2024 EERA JPNM by Metaprojects