
ORIENT-NM answers the Euratom Work Programme 2019-20 call NFRP-08: “Towards joint European effort in area of nuclear materials”, which requests to explore the possibility of establishing a Co-Funded European Partnership (CEP) on nuclear materials, by designing a complete plan for such CEP, addressing all its aspects.

Accordingly, ORIENT-NM will:

  • Produce a convincing strategic research agenda (SRA) for materials for all nuclear fission reactor generations, projected until 2040, with special focus on a plan for the first 5 years. This SRA will be consistent with national programmes and industrial needs, including supply chain constraints, while paying attention to standardisation issues and verifying the availability of suitable infrastructures
  • Elaborate an efficient CEP governance and legal structure, including attention for decision-making processes, intellectual property issues, promotion of innovation and analysis of potentially available financial (and human) resources, as well as an implementation scheme caring among others for quality assurance, SRA updating, knowledge and data management; all this considering different possible scenarios, depending on the resources that are actually available
  • Identify appropriate ways of interactions between the CEP and other bodies and initiatives that bear connections with nuclear materials (stake-holders), including international organisations, standardisation bodies, technical safety organisations, fusion and non-nuclear energy communities, other associations, while addressing the issue of a coordinated use of nuclear materials infrastructures

Coordinated by Lorenzo Malerba, CIEMAT (ES)

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ORIENT-NM Project – Horizon 2020 Framework Programme
Duration: October 2020 – March 2023
Grant agreement No. 899997