JHOP2040 Project Final Newsletter

The JHOP2040 consortium has carried out surveys of industrial needs and researchers’ aspirations in the nuclear area and combined these with the anticipated capacity of the Europe’s newest Materials Test Reactor – the Jules Horowitz Reactor (JHR), being built by CEA at Cadarache, France. Based on the surveys, two Roadmaps for the utilisation of EURATOM’s access rights have been elaborated. The roadmaps do not only cover scientific content and how applicants can access the MTR but also drafts financial schemes that can be applied by EURATOM. These Roadmaps are complete and are now available.

For more information, please, read the JHOP2040 Newsletter below.

When: Friday 22-09-2023 00:00 – Wednesday 25-10-2023 00:00
Where: Online

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